Spoons and bowls ...

I've been turning bowls for many years and carving spoons for four. I create a range of standard models, but I am always working on more unique items that usually start with dimensions and shapes in mind before I "follow the brush"* - because the wood dictates a different direction or perhaps just because I want to try something out.

I generally leave the marks created as material is removed, but they can be sanded away if required. I prefer it if they aren't!

On this site I shall offer two product lines: items already created for immediate dispatch and those made to order (based on standard models). Lead time will depend on the current order book, but completed as soon as possible.

The end of year stock taking is currently under way; a selection of typical spoons from the past is presented here. Click on the photos for a better view before contacting me for more details and to order yours.

*Zuihitsu in Japanese; a term to indicate that the work is more spontaneous than planned.

Mini spoon - for salt, pepper, herbs, spices...
Mini spoon - for salt, pepper, herbs, spices...
Large scoop - one serving of rice, lentils or coucous
Large scoop - one serving of rice, lentils or coucous
Scoop - the long-handled version, perfect for a three cup cafétière
Scoop - the long-handled version, perfect for a three cup cafétière
Classic spoon - smaller size for eating, larger size for cooking
Classic spoon - smaller size for eating, larger size for cooking
Serving suggestion!
Serving suggestion!
Cooking paddle - for turning
Cooking paddle - for turning
Rice paddle - a classic Japanese design
Rice paddle - a classic Japanese design